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23 July 2024



Ukraine: Ministry of Agrarian Policy increased the forecast of grain production

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine increased the forecast of grain production in 2012 to the level of 46.5 mln tonnes, declared Nikolai Prysyazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, on September 12.

He also noted that the export volumes of grains from Ukraine are planned at the level of 21 mln tonnes. In particular, the exports of wheat may reach 4-4.5 mln tonnes, barley - 3 mln tonnes, maize - nearly 13 mln tonnes.

According to N.Prysyazhnyuk, the issue to limit the exports of wheat may be considered if the volumes reach the level of 4-4.5 mln tonnes.

The Minister assured that the decision on the possible imposition of the export limitations will be decided after discussion with grain traders.

At the same time, N.Prysyazhnyuk stressed that to date there are no grounds for imposition of the grain export limitations.

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