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27 July 2024



Ukraine: Ministry of Agrarian Policy does not exclude the increase of grain production

In 2011/12 MY the general gran production in Ukraine will total 45.123 mln tonnes. The total supply of grains is estimated at the level of 52.497 mln tonnes, declared Sergei Kvasha, Director of the Department of the agrarian market development of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, speaking at the Analytical forum in Kiev on July 14.

According to him, the production of wheat will total 19.127 mln tonnes, the total supply of the grain in 2011/12 MY is estimated at the level of 23.747 mln tonnes.

S.Kvasha noted that these figures are typical for the pessimistic scenario of the situation development. He did not exclude that there may be shifts in the direction of increasing of the grain harvest. The reason for such shifts is the fact that in the southern regions of Ukraine the average grain yield is higher by 3 c/ha compared to the last year results.

The representative of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy also said that the prime cost of wheat and barley in 2011 totals 1283 UAH/t. According to him, the world price for 3-grade wheat by the end of year may reach 2128 UAH/t. The market price of 3-grade wheat will possibly reach 1765 UAH/t.


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