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17 July 2024



Ukraine may take on competitors on the world grain market

This year Ukraine has unique chance to put competitive pressure on the world grain market, reported Vladimir Klimenko, President of Ukrainian Grain Association.

According to him, Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine supply grain to the same importers. North Africa (Algeria, Morocco and Egypt) and EU countries are among them, if to talk about wheat. At the present moment, Russia intensively develops two deep-sea ports – Tuapse and Novorossiysk. Ukraine already has deep-sea ports - Illichevsk, Odessa, Sevastopol.

According to President of Ukrainian Grain Association, Ukrainian export conditions are more favorable than Russian or especially Kazakhstan, where situation with logistics is bad.

USA and Argentina are the main Ukraine’s competitors in maize export. But USA companies need to cross 6.000 sea miles, Argentine – 4.500 sea miles to reach Egypt, the largest importer of this crop, whereas Ukraine should cross only 1.100 sea miles to supply maize to this country, said V. Klimenko.

V. Klimenko added, that 15 mln tonnes of barley are cultivated worldwide annually, and Saudi Arabia imports a half of this amount. Ukraine and Australia are the world main exporters of the product. But Ukraine is closer to Saudi Arabia than Australia, therefore V.Klimenko insists on increasing of barley cultivation.

According to him, the world expects that Ukraine will export nearly 17 mln tonnes of grain and rapeseeds.

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