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30 July 2024



Ukraine. Landkom winter crops have minimal damage

Ukrainian agricultural firm Landkom International's winter crops have emerged with minimal damage, a report by its independent agronomy adviser shows.

The firm says 89% of the rapeseed was estimated to be in either good or excellent condition with 9% in average condition and 2% lost.

This compares to approximately 28% of Ukraine's rapeseed lost over the winter, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture estimates. The firm says 98% of the winter wheat crop was estimated to be in good or excellent condition with the remainder deemed in average condition and no crop lost, compared to losses of approximately 10% across the whole country.

The group planted 21,383 hectares made up of rapeseed and winter wheat.

Chief executive Vitaliy Skotsyk said: "Despite the drought during the autumn of 2009, combined with the particularly hard winter with temperatures dropping to minus 40 degrees Celsius, our crop has come out of the winter in good condition with minimal losses.

"Given the high levels of rapeseed losses across Ukraine which is one of the largest producers in the world, we would expect to see potential upside in pricing over the coming weeks and months."

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