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23 July 2024



Ukraine is interested in expanding the geography of sunflower oil exports – N.Prysiazhnyuk

Ukraine is interested expanding of the geography of sunflower oil exports, declared Nikolai Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, on July 24.

According to him, the production of sunflower oil and vegetable fats in Ukraine is realized at high-technological refurbished enterprises. The processing cycle uses all advanced world technologies. The situation allows to produce and export the Ukrainian sunflower oil, which share on the global market totals nearly 55% of the world market, said the Minister.

He also stressed that the Government is interested in entering of the large-scale domestic companies on foreign markets, and advertising of the Ukrainian national products.

The Government is constantly working to expand the geography of countries-consumers of the domestic sunflower oil. To date the Ministry negotiates to realize exports to the Republic of Bangladesh, and China, said N.Prysiazhnyuk.

According to the Ministry, the Government plans to double the harvest volumes of sunflower seed in the country, while not expanding the planted areas, but by increasing the yield index.

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