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20 July 2024



Ukraine, EU sign political part of Association Agreement

Ukraine, EU sign political part of Association Agreement

Ukraine and the European Union on Friday in Brussels signed a political part of the Association Agreement within the meeting of the EU supreme political governing body - the European Council. The document has been signed by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk and heads of state and government of the 28 EU members states, Ukrinform's Belgium correspondent reported.

The Association Agreement is intended to provide a new, in-depth format of relationship between Ukraine and the EU. It will be a unique bilateral document that will go far beyond similar agreements the EU once concluded with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The agreement not only provides a qualitatively new legal framework for the subsequent relations between Ukraine and the EU, but will also serve a strategic benchmark for the system of socio-economic reforms in Ukraine, a large-scale adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU standards and rules.

With the adoption of the Agreement, a relationship between Ukraine and the EU will be transferred to a new level - from partnership and cooperation to political association and economic integration. Ukraine considers the Association Agreement as an important step towards closer perspective to the next step - preparing for accession to the EU.

The Association Agreement consists of over a thousand pages, and its structure includes a preamble, seven parts, 43 attachments and 3 protocols.


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