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22 July 2024



Ukraine cuts gas consumption 7.6% in 5 mths; gas imports down 27%, transit - 16%

 Ukraine reduce gas consumption in January-May 7.6% year-on-year to 26.545 billion cubic meters, the Energy and Coal Energy Ministry reported.

Gas consumption in May alone declined to 2.068 billion cubic meters, 10.5% less than in the same month last year.

Ukraine imported almost 9.379 billion cubic meters of gas in the period, 26.8% less year-on-year. It imported nearly 820 million cubic meters in May, 62.2% less.

Gas transit declined 16.4% to 32.164 billion cubic meters in the five months, including 5.983 billion cubic meters in May, 5.9% less.

Ukraine consumed 54.775 billion cubic meters of gas in 2012, 7.6% less than in 2011. Gas transit was down 19.1% to 84.261 billion cubic meters last year and imports fell 26.5% to 32.939 billion cubic meters.

Under the balance for receipt and transportation of natural gas for 2013 approved by the government, Ukraine will import 27.3 billion cubic meters in 2013, including 18 billion cubic meters from Russian Gazprom, 8 billion cubic meters from Dmytro Firtashs Cyprus-registered Ostchem and 1.3 billion cubic meters from Germanys RWE Supply&Trading GmbH.

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