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19 July 2024



Ukraine cuts exports of cheese threefold in 2014, imports 1.6 times down

Ukraine cuts exports of cheese threefold in 2014, imports 1.6 times down

Ukraine supplied 19,460 tonnes of cheese to foreign markets in 2014, three times down on the previous year (59,000 tonnes).

According to customs statistics published by the State Fiscal Service, in monetary terms cheese supplies fell by around three times, to $120.12 million.

Imports of cheese in 2014 came to 11,750 tonnes, a decline of 1.6 times year-over-year. Cheese worth $67.64 million was imported to Ukraine ($11.17 million in 2013).

Exports of butter from Ukraine last year grew by 2.9 times, from 3,860 tonnes to 11,280 tonnes. In monetary terms this came to $47.3 million compared to $22.2 million in 2013. Imports of butter fell by 27.6%, to 10,140 tonnes, worth almost $48 million ($67.3 million in 2013).

Exports of milk and cream grew from 30,300 tonnes in 2013 to 49,860 tonnes in 2014. The country supplied milk and cream worth $121.27 million, 1.6 times up over last year.



  • Baker TILLY
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