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18 July 2024



Ukraine: chemical enterprises refused to sign a declaration about limit prices for fertilizers

Producers of mineral fertilizers refused to sign a declaration, which introduces the minimum limit wholesale and retail prices (adjusted for the Value Added Tax) for ammonium nitrate, carbamide, nitroammophos, superphosphate and ammophos for agrarians for the first half-year of 2009 during the period of the spring field works, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

According to the announcement referring to Anatoliy Pedos, the head of the National association "Ukrselhoskhimia", the producers refused to sign the due to the unprofitableness of such production.

The declaration offered to fix the limit wholesale and retail price of ammonium nitrate at the level of 2100 UAH/t, carbamide – 2550 UAH/t, nitroammophos (15:15:15) – 4400 UAH/t, superphosphate – 2400 UAH/t, ammophos – 4900 UAH/t.

According to A.Pedos, the producers started increasing prices for mineral fertilizers for the domestic consumer due to the financial crisis, which affected the decrease of world prices for mineral fertilizers, stoppage of the export operations, the growth of prices for natural gas and etc.

In December 2008, the price for ammonium nitrate totaled 1400-1500 UAH/t, in January 2009 – 2000 UAH/t, but in February – 2250 UAH/t, noticed A.Pedos.

According to the announcement, the government charged the Ministries of Economics, Agrarian Policy and other ministries and departments with chemical enterprises to work out the measures for stabilization of prices.

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