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29 July 2024



Ukraine. Agrarian policy ministry forecasts producing 16-17mln tons of sugar beet

Agrarian Policy Ministry forecasts production of 16-17 million tons of sugar beet in 2010/2011 marketing year, Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Ivan Demchak told a conference.

"Bids for A quota for sugar production in 2010-2011 were made at 2.4 million tons," Demchak said.

According to him, the Agrarian Policy Ministry stands for state subsidies to farmers for sowing sugar beet to the amount of UAH 1,000/ha.

In particular, it is planned to render assistance in two stages - by UAH 500 before sowing and before handing over to processing (USD 1/UAH 7.95).

According to the Deputy Minister, this year 450,000 ha will be sown under sugar beet. The ministry expects to get UAH 150 million in 2010 for the sugar sector from the funds envisaged for compensations of interest rates on bank credits.

The ministry also stands for abolishment of declarations on sugar purchase prices, Demchak added.


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