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19 July 2024



The adoption of the new tax code will be implemented in 2016

The adoption of the new tax code will be implemented in 2016

Factions in the Parliament have agreed with the Cabinet of Ministers on the approval of the State budget for 2016, based on the current tax code, which will be partially modified.

This was told by the head of the faction "Block of Petro Poroshenko» Yuriy Lutsenko after the meeting of the heads of factions with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, according to

"We form a budget not according to a new tax code, which was suggested by the Government but on the old, which will be finalized with the maximum account of the so-called "Juzhanina project ". In particular, transparent administration, some decreases of tax rates, but so that the budget proposed by the Government had a relevant resource base. Budget comes from the Government, the tax code – from the parliamentary ", he said.

In addition, he stressed that the Government's tax code will also be voted for in the first discussion, so that during the first quarter of 2016 it could be finalized with entrepreneurs and associations and come in force from the next fiscal year.


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