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20 July 2024



Tymchenko: Public Cadastral Map will be the basis for the development of national infrastructure of geospatial data

Tymchenko Public Cadastral Map

Public cadastral map will be the basis for the development of national infrastructure of geospatial data. The relevant law on National infrastructure of geospatial data is expected to be developed and adopted by the end of 2014. This was stated by Chairman of the Ukrainian State Agency of Land Resources Serhiy Tymchenko at a press conference held yesterday in the Ukrainian Cabinet, Government Portal reports.

«The most important event of the year, not only to the State Agency of Land Resources, but practically every citizen of Ukraine was the opening of the Public Cadastre Map. It is for the first time land relationship became a transparent - you can see on the map absolutely all registered sites in Ukraine. If yesterday no one believes that it is possible, today the Public Cadastre Map is the most popular public web-site, and tomorrow it will be the basis for the development of national infrastructure of geospatial data. The relevant law on National infrastructure of geospatial data is expected to develop and adopt by the end of 2014,» Serhiy Tymchenko said.

Thanks to the launch of a national cadastral system and public cadastre map Ukraine’s position in the international ranking of investment attractiveness «Doing Business» are significantly increased. Now lands are plotted on an electronic map and work continues on the documentation of the objects of nature reserve fund and the map will be filled up with various information layers in the future. Thus, information on water and forest sites, networks and utilities, structures and its plans, roads and other infrastructure will be available to the public. Owing the public cadastre map recorders, landowners have found the mistakes that were made during 20 years of reform.

As of today experts has corrected over 2.5 million bugs. The work is in progress. Considering the square of Ukraine, the national public map ( is an Europe’s largest e-map. During the year the public cadastral map had 3445703 hits and 1084309 hosts. In conclusion, the Chairman of the State Agency of Land Resources said that we invite you, dear journalists, as well as every citizen of Ukraine and foreign friends to visit the new web portal of the State Agency of Land Resources."


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