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31 July 2024



Tigipko: Ukraine to unblock grain export

The authorities' decisions leading to unlawful delays in export shipments of grain, should be abolished, and those guilty of creating obstacles to grain export should be punished, said Deputy Prime Minister Sergiy Tigipko.

"There are no economic reasons for hindering the export of grain," the press service quoted Tigipko as saying on Monday at a meeting dedicated to the cases of obstructing grain exports by certain state authorities.

According to Tigipko, the gross grain harvest this year is expected at 40 million tons, and given the carry-over grain stocks of about 6 million tons, Ukraine can fully cover its domestic needs and can export 17 million tons of grain.

As reported, Ukraine's Agriculture Ministry projects the grain harvest for 2010 at 42.1 million tonnes.

Including leftover grain, the country will use 6.7 million tonnes of grain for foodstuffs in the current agricultural year (July 2010-June 2011), for seeds- 3.1 million tonnes, cattle feed - 14.5 million tonnes and export - 16 million tonnes. He said that domestic crossover grain would come to 5-5.5 million tonnes as of July 1, 2011.

The Kyiv Post

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