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21 July 2024



The state has created favourable conditions for agricultural machines production and purchase

 It was launched XIV International Conference "Scientific and technical principles of design, testing and forecasting of agricultural techniques and technologies" at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing of Equipment and Technologies for Agricultural Production named after L. Pogorelyi. Olexandr Hryhorovych, the Head of the Department of Engineering and Technical Supply and Agricultural Engineering of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food was present at the event. 

"Since the creation of the testing station, Ukrainian Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing of Equipment and Technologies for Agricultural Production named after L. Pogorelyi and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine have constantly cooperated and monitored technical and technological solutions in agriculture. The station provides the state tests of domestic and foreign agricultural machinery and equipment. The result of this collaboration is the supplies of machines to agricultural producers for the mechanization of production processes", said the Director of the Department.

Olexandr Hryhorovych also said that without government support and regulation at the state level it is impossible to develop domestic engineering. Currently, there are all necessary conditions for agricultural machinery.

"In order to stimulate the development of domestic agricultural machinery, Tax and Customs Code of Ukraine abolished the income tax for the agricultural machinery enterprises until 01/01/2020, the payments of taxes on materials and components, which are not produced in Ukraine and imported machine-building enterprises for the production of agricultural machinery up to 01/01/2017. This will provide import substitution up to 60 % against current 20%", concluded the Director of the Department.

However, Economic Development Program for 2013-2014 provides modernization and technical re-equipment of agricultural engineering enterprises and introduction of innovative agricultural machinery and equipment for the food processing industry and agricultural enterprises.

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