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18 July 2024



Hot weather influences spring crops

Hot weather influences spring crops

Summer high temperature doesn’t have significant influence on spring crops’ yielding rates. Ukrainian News reports that experts’ community has communicated the issue during press conference.

“Late dry is obvious; nevertheless, there is no something extraordinary… Hot weather has influenced sunflower, corn and soybean fields but crops are quite good, and thus, we will not see recording yields”, said Tatiana Adamenko, Head of agro meteorology department.

The expert also noted that this season characterized by stable rotation of hot and coolness conditions. Thus, agronomists do not observe significant damages of plants, along with contributing rains in April and May.

Tatiana Adamenko has also marked important factor of August rains for spring crops yields. “Unfortunately we do not observe high levels of rains”, said Ms. Tatiana.

Experts do not observe significant risk factors for beet production.

As General Director of the UCAB Association, Taras Vysotskyi, has said, beets’ plants are naturally adopted to higher weather due to specific stalk root system.

Thus, this season weather will not have significant influence on yielding rates, market and prices.

“Corn and sunflower fields have increased. We don’t observe any negative obstacles lowering yielding rates below the average”, said Taras Vysotskyi. Expert projects this year as positive, along with this is not the year of recording yields.

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