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22 July 2024



Soybean output 20 times up in 12 years - producers association

 Soybean production in the period of 2001-2012 increased by 20 times. If the gross harvest of oilseeds in 2001 amounted to 120 thousand tons, in 2012 it was 2.4 million tons.

These data were released by the Ukrainian Association of Producers and Processors of Soybean.

"Such a significant increase in the production of this crop was achieved due to a significant expansion of acreage (from 189.6 thousand hectares in 2001 to 1.47 million hectares in 2012) and increasing yield (from 12.2 centners per hectare to 16.5 centners per hectare)," experts say.

In the near future, according to experts, the trend of increasing soybean production will continue in Ukraine.

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