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31 July 2024



Russia: grain export ban to come into force

From August 15 in Russia the grain export ban came into force. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on establishment of the export ban for the certain range of grain agricultural goods from the territory of the Russia Federation (dated August 5), the ban will be active till December 31. Wheat, barley, rye, maize, wheat or rye-wheat flour are in the ban list.

Vladimir Putin, the Prime-Minister of the Russian Federation, explained the necessity of such measure by preventing the growth of prices on the domestic market in the Russian Federation and forming the future reserves. The Prime-Minister stated that the ban has temporary character, and the decision of restoring grain export activity after December will be taken after examining the harvesting campaign results.

The sudden growth of the world grain prices was the first reaction for such decision.

On August 13, Victor Zubkov, the Vice Prime-Minister of the Russian Federation, stated that the grain export ban period of validity will not be changed. The decision about establishment of the temporary ban is accepted, and the period of validity varies from August 15 to December 31, 2010. Everyone should execute the accepted decision.

According to forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture, in the current year in the Russian Federation grain production will total 60-65 mln tonnes as opposed to 97 mln tonnes last year. In the terms of such volumes harvesting, grain exports should total 2-4.5 mln tonnes. Grain export volumes from July 1 to August 15, 2010, totaled 2.8 mln tonnes, according to the Ministry estimations.

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