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27 July 2024



Russia exported 1.5 mln tonnes of grains

 After cancellation of the embargo on grain exports Russia already delivered 1.5 mln tonnes of grains on the world market, an increase of 30% compared to the last year, said Elena Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

According to the Minister, Turkey, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Israel, and the EU countries import grains of Russian origin. Besides, Nicaragua and North Korea receive grains as humanitarian aid. Restoring of the position on the global grain market is one of the priorities that the Ministry of Agriculture set for itself in the current year, said E.Skrynnik.

According to her, it is necessary to increase grain production to at least 85-90 mln tonnes, that is why agrarians increased sowing areas of spring crops by 6.7%. To date Russian agrarians produced over 27 mln tonnes of grains with rather good yield level.


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