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21 July 2024



Prysiazhniuk, Russian ambassador to discuss situation with Roshen

 Ukrainian Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk and Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov will soon hold another round of negotiations on the resumption of the supply of Roshen products to the Russian market.

Prysiazhniuk told this to reporters at the Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"We have not yet received instructions [from the Russian side regarding inspections on the products], and we are waiting for them. Today or tomorrow we will meet with the Russian ambassador and clarify this issue. Thank goodness, the movement in this issue is bilateral, rather than unilateral," Prysiazhniuk said.

As reported, the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Service (Rospotrebnadzor) banned the import to Russia of confectionary products from the Ukrainian plants of the Roshen Corporation. In mid-August, at the talks held in Moscow, the sides agreed to return Roshen products to Russia. Rospotrebnadzor experts are expected to inspect four Roshen enterprises in Ukraine.

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