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22 July 2024



Over 25.6 thousand tonnes of fruits harvested in Ukraine

 Ukrainian fruitage has increased by 31% this year. And in order to effectively preserve fruits and berries until the next yield, the government helps to build stores. In particular, it has been scheduled to put into operation fruit storages (capacity of 5000 tonnes) this year in Ukraine, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Prysyazhnyuk said, Government Portal reports.

«As of today, the Ukrainians have a wide variety of domestic fruits and berries at an affordable price. A large yield of fruits and berries will be gathered this year in Ukraine. And as of July 26, its volume by 31% exceeds the amount of the same period of last year,» the Minister said. More than 25.6 thousand tonnes of fruit and berry has already plucked in Ukraine. So that the supply in the market too high. Therefore, prices remain affordable for consumers. «We have to increase storage capacity due to such a large production volumes. And the state pays attention to this issue. So, this year we are putting into operation other 2 fruit storages, capacity of 5000tonnes,» Mykola Prysyazhnyuk said.

Also, the Minister said that for the last three years thanks to the government support 22 modern refrigerators have been built. Overall, today there are 145 refrigerators in Ukraine for storing fruit with total capacity of over 256,000 tonnes. These enterprises are successfully used, beside other purposes, for short-term storage (2–3 weeks) of cherries, plums, peaches and other fruits like these.


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