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24 July 2024



Nibulon opposes law on seaports

Mykolaiv-based Nibulon agricultural company LLC, one of the largest Ukrainian producers and exports of grain and oilseed crops, has said it does not support a law on seaports passed by the Ukrainian parliament on May 17, 2012.

According to an official report of the company posted on its Web site, the law has a lot of flaws. In particular, it restricts economic competition in the sea sphere, and, in violation of Article 22 of the Ukrainian Constitution, it considerably restricts the rights of private sea business and is of a discriminative character for businessmen who built their own handing facilities outside existing state ports before the law took effect.

Nibulon said that the law foresees the creation of a state monopolist company, the Administration of Seaports of Ukraine, which is also empowered with the attributes of a state power body and which, in violation of the Ukrainian Constitution, will supervise the operation of private-sector companies.

"The negative impact of the law will first affect sea transport companies located outside existing ports," the company said.

Nibulon said that the taking into effect the law in present wording could lead to negative consequences and worsening of the present situation at sea transport companies that are located outside state seaports, and worsening of the investment climate in the sea transport area, as well as the state of the protection of private investments.



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