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25 July 2024



Minimum prices for sugar beet and sugar may rise in 2010

In the season of 2010, the minimum sugar price in Ukraine may rise from UAH 3,125 (EUR 269.66 USD 392.10) to UAH 4,250 a ton. The minimum sugar beet price may increase from UAH 214.9 to UAH 291.66 a ton, exclusive of VAT. As a result of the price increase, subsidies for sugar beet cultivation will grow to UAH 1,500 per hectare. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has prepared a corresponding draft decree. As of today, according to the Ukrainian Agrarian Cofederation, the sugar beet market prices stand at UAH 267-317 a ton. Sugar is wholesale priced at UAH 6,200-6,300 a ton.

Kommersant Ukraine

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