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25 July 2024



Milk prices will be stable, says expert

Milk prices in Ukraine have stabilized and won't grow, the director of the department for animal products markets at the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry, Andriy Hetia, has said.

"I think there are no reasons for milk prices to rise significantly," he said, when asked by Interfax-Ukraine.

"There won't be a catastrophic decline in milk production. There won't be mass imports, because nobody will buy [such milk]," he said.

As reported, with reference to the State Statistics Service, in January-September 2011 Ukraine produced 8.7 million tonnes of milk, which is 2.1% down on 2010.

The average price of milk sold by farms (except for small ones) in January-September 2011 amounted to UAH 2,900 per tonne, while in the first half of 2011 it was UAH 2,790 per tonne.


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