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26 July 2024



KTG Agrar AG: Rating remains strong, growth course continues Creditreform Rating has confirmed KTG Agrar’s BBB investment grade rating

Hamburg, 19 October 2011 – Creditreform Rating AG has again awarded an investment grade rating to KTG Agrar AG (ISIN: DE000A0DN1J4). The BBB rating for KTG Agrar was confirmed following an exhaustive multi-week review. The outlook has remained stable as well. “The renewed confirmation of our strong rating demonstrates the sustainability of our investments in farmland and renewable energy,” CEO Siegfried Hofreiter explained. Having grown steadily in recent years, KTG Agrar today employs more than 400 people, farms some 35,000 hectares of land and generates renewable energy for more than 30,000 households.

KTG Agrar will continue its successful growth strategy going forward. Both total output and the operating result are to rise clearly compared to the previous year. The company is benefiting from the high market prices for both conventional and organic produce. This is why KTG Agrar will continue to expand its farmland for the production of such agricultural commodities as grain, maize and rapeseed and raise the share of company-owned farmland from its present level of approximately 20 percent. Says Siegfried

Hofreiter: “Our investments in farmland mean we are putting money in one of the world’s most stable assets.” Additional plants will become operational in the company’s biogas segment during the second half of the year. At the end of June, KTG Agrar already had biogas plants with a total combined capacity of 16.5 megawatts feeding electricity into the grid.


About KTG Agrar:

With cultivable land of around 35,000 hectares, KTG Agrar AG is one of the leading producers of agricultural commodities in Europe. As an integrated supplier, the company produces agricultural commodities and renewable energy and food. The Hamburg-based company’s core area of expertise is the organic and traditional cultivation of market products such as cereals, maize and rapeseed. For organic market products KTG Agrar is the European market leader. The company mainly produces in Germany but has also operated production in the EU full member state of Lithuania since 2005.

The third mainstay is the production of bio-energy. At present, KTG Agrar operates biogas plants with a total capacity of around 16,5 megawatts. As a result of the takeover of Frenzel Tiefkühlkost in 2011, KTG has expanded the value chain by the production of food. In the year In the year 2010, KTG achieved a total output of EUR 70.8 million and EBIT of EUR 13.4 million. Since November 2007 the company is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has currently about 400 employees. Further information can be found at

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