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20 July 2024



In near future Ukraine can reach grain production at 80 million tons after 53 million tons in 2008

Agrarian Policy Minister Yuriy Melnyk said this at a news conference with EU Agriculture Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel, currently on a visit to Kyiv.
However, the Minister noted that one of the weaknesses is poor elevator infrastructure capable of storing 29 million tons of grain. He informed that additional elevator capacities for 2 million tons will be put into operation till July 1. Besides, according to the Minister, a new direction of development of export infrastructure is more efficient use of a barge fleet for grain delivery from remote districts to ports. Yuriy Melnyk also added that Ukraine's grain transshipment capacities make up to 42 million tons a year that allows to export not only Ukraine's grain, but the partners' grain as well. Ukraine has exported 28.5 million tons of grain since the beginning of a new farming year (i.e., since July 1, 2008).

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