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27 July 2024



In 2017 Ukraine to be able to export 45 mln tonnes of grains – expert

 Ukraine will be able to export 45 mln tonnes of grains per year in 2017, and nearly 30 mln tonnes in 2015, declared Nikholai Bezuglyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, President of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

He also noted that Ukraine can initiate creation of the world supply volumes of grains, which would be owned by, for example, the World Organization of Agriculture and Food under the UN aegis.

The Ministry plans to create such reserve volumes of grains in Ukraine at the level of 10 mln tonnes. By 2015 the production volumes will total 80 mln tonnes of grains, the domestic consumption - 35 mln tonnes, up 10 mln tonnes compared to the current year, due to development of animal husbandry and the use of maize for industrial purposes, explained N.Bezuglyi.

As a reminder, in 2010/11 MY Ukraine exported 12.1 mln tonnes of grains, down 41.6% compared to the previous period (21.2 mln tonnes).


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