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27 July 2024



In 2011, grain production in Kazakhstan to reach 14 mln tonnes - expert

In 2011 in Kazakhstan grain sowing areas total 16.5 mln ha, including 13.6 mln ha of wheat sowings, reported Jeanne Baytemirova, Head of the Analytical department of JSC “KazAgroMarketing”, on July 14, speaking at the Analytical forum in Kiev.

According to her, in the currnt year there is a decrease of wheat sowing areas (down 3%) in favor of feed crops sowings. The situation was caused by the fact that Kazakhstan has the specialized program for development of cattle up to 2020.

J.Baytemirova noted that to date it is quite difficult to talk about the grain harvest in Kazakhstan, because rainy weather keeps in the country. The expert believes that in the near future if the rain stops, the general grain harvest will total approximately 14 mln tonnes. At the same time, the export potential can reach the level of 7 mln tonnes of grains.

In 2010, Kazakhstan exported 8.2 mln tonnes of grains and flour in grain equivalent.


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