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28 July 2024



IMF to give credit tranches to Romania

The International Monetary Fund has agreed to give Romania another tranches of anti-crisis credits to the total sum of about 2.45 billion euros (approximately 3.32 billion dollars). This decision was adopted on Friday by its Council of Directors according to the results of two examinations of the fulfillment of the Romanian program.
In the total, the volume of credit resources allocated to Romania for its support reached approximately 9.32 billion euros (12.6 billion dollars). The IMF program for Romania was approved in May 2009 and as a whole it is estimated at 12.91 billion dollars (17.45 billion dollars).
Announcing the adopted decision, IMF first deputy managing director John Lipski complimented Bucharest for carrying out resolute policy in complex conditions. At the same time, he stressed that later on the Fund would expect it to have no less tough approach to completely fulfill the economic program.


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