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17 July 2024



Group of the companies "Ramburs" and the Dutch company Trigon Agri to create JV

The group companies "Ramburs" (Kiev) and the company Trigon Agri (Denmark) intend to create the joint venture (JV) Ramburs Trigon, that will be engaged in the trade of agricultural products and management of the enterprises on their storage.

According to the press-release of Trigon Agri, its share in the new JV will total 51%; that of the group "Ramburs" will be 49%.

According to the report, the new JV corresponds to the strategy of Trigon Agri to become an integrated company in the segment of production, storage and grain trade.

Earlier, the company Trigon Agri reported about purchasing of JSC "Novomirgorodskiy elevator" (Kirovograd oblast) and JSC "Yavkinskiy elevator" (Nikolaev oblast) from the group "Ramburs". It was supposed that the purchase of these elevators would allow the Dutch company increasing its simultaneous grain storage capacities till 322.000 tonnes.

As for March 1, 2008, Trigon Agri rented 30.700 ha in Ukraine, 88.600 ha in Russia and 1.400 ha in Estonia.

Currently, the group "Ramburs" is one of the leading producers of turkey meat (TM "Indelika"). The meat direction of the company is represented by the poultry breeding farm "Brovarskoy", Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsk feed mill, and Distribution Company JSC "Indelika".

  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • Continental farmers Group
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