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21 July 2024



Grain export grows by 24% in Ukraine

 Ukraine has already sold abroad 1.7 million tons of grain, which is 24% more than in the past marketing year.

To activate the export, the Government is now actively working on the cheapening of logistics services to the market operators, ForUm reports referring to Mykola Prysiazhniuk, Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Minister.

As of August 7, 1.7 million tons of domestic grain entered the foreign markets. In addition, other nearly 1.5 million tons of grain were delivered to elevators near ports and nearly 190.000 tons were loaded onto ships, Prysiazhniuk noted. The minister reminded that the Government is now actively working to reduce the cost of logistics services. In particular, a special interagency group was set up to address this issue.

Grain export will be a record this year. Accordingly, the logistics system should work accurately. So we continue to work to ensure the smooth work of linear grain elevators, railroad transportation, transshipment, Prysiazhniuk added. 

Agro Perspectiva

  • Baker TILLY
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