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22 July 2024



Grain crops yield will be less in Crimea this year

 This year, grain crops yield will be less at Crimean agricultural enterprises due to unfavorable weather conditions. Crimean Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Poliushkin has said this at a working meeting in Simferopol on Monday, a Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“This year, despite abnormal weather conditions, which had an impact on grain crops, the yield will make up 680-700,000 tons, and with consideration of late grain crops - 850-950,000 tons, which is certainly less than we could get,” Poliushkin noted.

According to him, direct damage from force-majeure circumstances, related to weather conditions, made up UAH 168 million, total economic damage - UAH 337 million. Grain crops were damaged on the acreage of 123,000 ha.
Average crop capacity in Crimea is from 12.3 to 13.4 centners/ha.

In total, 532,500 ha was sown in Crimea in 2013 under the yield of winter and spring grain crops, all agro-technical measures were carried out timely and qualitatively, but due to unfavorable weather conditions, formed in the autonomy during the period of sowing and ripening, only 422,000 ha of early grain crops have preserved and are subject to harvesting.

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