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24 July 2024



Future 10-20 years will be favorable for grain production in Ukraine - Adamenko

Expected weather conditions will be rather favorable for grain production in Ukraine over future 10-20 years.

This opinion was expressed by head of the agrometeorological department of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine Tetiana Adamenko, AgroNews informs citing Ukrainsky Tyzhden.

“For winter wheat, shifting of sowing terms by 20-40 days is possible and more effective use of autumn vegetation conditions. Further mitigation of wintering conditions is expected and reduction of the period by 1.5-2 months. Renewal of winter wheat vegetation will be observed a month earlier, a critical period of the yield formation will take place under conditions of a low temperature backdrop, which may bring to an increase of total productivity of sowings by 20-40%,” the expert noted.

In her opinion, results of studies of the warming influence on corn productivity is rather optimistic for this culture at the expense of earlier sowing terms and an increase of the growing area to northern and western regions thanks to temperature growth on those territories.

“Even in Polissia, temperature of the vegetation period will be enough for ripening of middle-late and late ripening corn hybrids, whose potential yield is higher against early and middle- early hybrids by 30-50%,” she added.

At the same time, the specialist notes that for early spring grain crops (spring barley, spring wheat, oats) conditions may worsen at the expense of growing dryness of an important vegetation period for this group of cultures, which will take place under conditions of the raised temperature background.

“Under unchanged conditions of moistening, this may cause the fall of the spring grain crop yield as a result of the vegetation period reduction and earlier ripening,” the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center specialist sums up.

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