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22 July 2024



From the beginning of the year, the number of cattle increased by 3.2%, pigs - by 4.8%, poultry - by 7.9%

 Over 5 months this year the number of livestock significantly increased in Ukraine - cattle by 3.2%, and pigs - by 4.8%.However, the best performance demonstrated the poultry industry. Here the stock has increased by 7.9%. Such results were achieved also due to the state support. That was informed by the Minister of the Agrarian Policy and Food, Mykola Prysyazhnyuk.

"Domestic livestock industry continues to increase performance. That is greatly facilitated by comprehensive state support provided by the Government in recent years. In particular, farmers receive subsidies for grown young stock, for the given for slaughter cattle and the purchased milking machines. From the beginning of the year the state directed for these programs over 105.6 million UAH", - said the Minister.

Thus, due to the consistent state support over the 5 months cattle stock has grown to 5.4 million heads, or by 3.2%. The positive trend also continues in other areas of animal farming. The number of pigs increased to 8 million heads, or by 4.8%.

"At the same time I want to note the rapid growth rates in poultry industry - the most exportoriented sector of domestic animal farming. Here we traditionally have a significant increase of livestock. Thus, over 5 months the stock of poultry increased by almost 8% and now is about 240 million heads, "- said the head of department.

It is to be recalled that in the framework of the Economic development activation program for 2013- 2014 the investment projects in livestock are being implemented. Due to the fact it is planned that milk production will increase by 3.5%, while the sales of livestock for slaughter - by 4.5%.

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