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23 July 2024



First 10 sugar refineries start beet processing

Ten factories started the processing of newly harvested beet, having produced the first 15 thousand tons of sugar, UkrSugar CEO Mykola Yarchuk said on Thursday.

"About 15,000 tons have been already put out. Sugar content of the beet is within 14-15%. However, we expect about 16%," the head of the association said.

He noted that the outlook for sugar production remains at the previous level of 1.7-1.8 million tons. It will be provided, according to experts, by about 70 specialized companies, with 80 having taken the processing quota.

Answering a question, Yarchuk noticed that the high cost of production will tell, as expected, on sugar price that may grow by 10-15% to 6,500-7,500 UAH per ton (in the past year 5,500-6,500 per ton).

However, according to the expert, at the moment there are no business grounds for a jump in the prices of sugar in retail trade.

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