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28 July 2024



Eurasian Exchange Union to be created in Customs Union

The representatives of the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan signed the protocol of intentions regarding creation of the Eurasian Exchange Union, the agency reports citing Belarus news agency BELTA.
According to BELTA, the chairman of the board of the Belarus Universal Commodity Exchange, Arcady Salikov, will represent the interests of commodity exchanges in the EurAsEC bodies. The representatives of three states made such a decision during the working meeting of the heads of commodity exchanges of the countries - participants of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia passed on February 15 - 16 in Minsk. The meeting participants also discussed the questions of creation of the Eurasian stock exchange of agricultural production, raw materials and foodstuff.
Creation of the Eurasian Commodity Exchange for agricultural production, raw materials and foodstuffs was approved on November 13, 2009 by the protocol of the session of the Council for Agricultural and Industrial Policy at the EurAsEC Integration Committee.
The Ministries of Agriculture of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia defined Open Society Belarus Universal Commodity Exchange, Open Society Moscow Stock Exchange and JSC International Commodity Exchange of Kazakhstan as shareholders of the Eurasian Stock Exchange.
Kazakhstan Today

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