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18 July 2024



Ukrainian malt exports increased by 2.8 times

Ukrainian malt exports increased by 2.8 times

According to the State Fiscal Service in January-August 2016, Ukraine exported 60.8 thousand tons of malt, which is in 2.8 times higher than in the same period last year. In monetary terms it is 22.4 M USD, which is in 2.6 times more than in the first 8 months of 2015.

Among the biggest buyers of Ukrainian malt during January-August 2016 the leading position took Mexico, with almost a fifth part of total exports of malt from Ukraine (18.7% or 4.2 M USD); Moldova took the second place, with an index of 12.5% ​​(2.8 M USD); in the third place was Angola, which imported 12% (2.7 M USD).

Recall that under the terms of the FTA with the EU, Ukraine has a quota for tax free export of malt and wheat gluten to Europe of 7 thousand tons per year. Currently, this quota is completely used. It is interesting that comparing with last year, the rate of closure of quotas significantly accelerated. For example, at the end of 2015 only 73% of export quotas on malt and gluten were used.

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