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23 July 2024



Economic and financial situation stabilized in Ukraine due to economic policy and strategy

On October 25, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission made a statement upon its work in Kyiv in October 2009.
The mission found out that the economic and financial situation had stabilized in Ukraine due to the economic policy and strategy which were implemented under the program.
To consolidate these achievements, it will be necessary to ensure strict implementation of the policy and take adjusting measures in some areas.
After the discussions with the Finance Ministry and the National Bank of Ukraine, the IMF mission achieved an agreement at the technical specialists level about such measures and left Kyiv.
Now the mission is waiting for support of the agreed package of economic policy measures by the four top officials who signed the program: the President, Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Head of the National Bank. This includes giving assurance about the application of the veto to the Parliament voted law on raising the living standards (wages and pensions), which is in conflict with the financial goals of the Ukrainian authorities’ program.
The IMF mission headed by Ms. Ceyla Pazarbasioglu visited Kyiv to revise the government program currently implemented with support of IMF finance within the stand-by agreement.
P.S. President of Ukraine signed the Parliament voted law. So Mr. Yushchenko actually failed to support the agreed package of economic policy measures. 

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