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20 July 2024



EBRD to increase investment in Ukraine

EBRD Ukraine

"Now our focus is to start with our existing client base," Vice-President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Andras Simor told reporters on Friday.

«There are hundreds of clients in the country who face significant issues with the challenges facing the Ukrainian economy, and our first priority is to stand by our clients and help them through the disposition process, and our clients cover many sectors, from agriculture, food industry, manufacturing, from financial sector, to energy. We also want to use the opportunity to expand this client base, with the extended activity plan that we’re planning to implement in the next few years. We can increase our annual business volume by about 50% compared to what we planned to do originally this year, so that would be significant improvement,» Simor said.

While commenting on the bank’s plans to resume investment in the public administration, Simor said: «Now, with the new reform program by the new government and with the international support package, we think it is worthwhile reengaging with the government to do so. We have a pipeline of projects where work has been stopped and has been suspended, which we can restart now,» Simor said. As to him, the EBRD also links its plans for this year to the prospect issuance of Ukrainian eurobonds.


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