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26 July 2024



Early grain harvest in Ukraine could reach 34m t in 2011, says minister

The gross harvest of early grain crops in Ukraine in 2011 could reach 34 million tonnes, according to Ukrainian Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk.

"We forecast that after harvesting on the remaining 500,000 hectares of early grain crops, [the harvest] will be 34 million tonnes," he said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday.

As reported, Ukraine's agriculture ministry forecasts the growth of the grain harvest this year to 47.4 million tonnes, compared to the 39.3 million tonnes harvested in 2010.

Analysts said that the late grain crop harvest could reach some 18 million tonnes this year.

As of August 8, 2011, Ukraine had threshed 32.2 million tonnes of early grain crops and beans from 94% of the country's fields.


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