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23 July 2024



Dairy production in Ukraine grows in ten months

This year, due to growth in the production of dairy products, butter and processed milk, it was possible to increase food production compared to last year, Director of the Food Department at the Ukrainian Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry Oleksandr Kuts has said.

"Such results were achieved primarily due to an increase in the production of dairy products - by 2.9% (412,000 tons produced), cottage cheese - by 3.3% (65,000 tons), butter - by 16% (77,300 tons), processed liquid milk - by 6.2% (771,000 tons), and unrefined sunflower oil - by 20.7% (2.9 million tons)," the press service of the Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry quoted him as saying.

Kuts said that the index of the production of food, beverages and tobacco in Ukraine in January-October 2012 compared with the same period in 2011 was 100.7% (99% in January-October 2011).

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