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18 July 2024



CIS countries to found the International grain company "RosUkrKazZerno"

To date, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan provide the joint fork for foundation of the International grain company (the supposed name "RosUkrKazZerno") for realization of coordinated activity on the market of grains with equal market shares of the authorized national companies of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Ukraine - founders of the authorized capital stock of the future intergovernmental company, declared Arman Evniev, the Vice-Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, on February 26 during the International Grain Conference in Almaty city.

According to the Vice-Minister, in the current year the countries faced the urgent task of the support of grain exports, which demands the coordinated policy in the sphere of grain trade, due to world high rates of grain production and the decrease of purchasing activity of importers caused by the world economic crisis.

The countries founded the working group from state employees, governmental or private exporter-companies of grains, public organizations and producers for realization of coordinated development of grain markets of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The working group conducted the meeting in Moscow, and created the Expert group, which was aimed to provide analytical and expert researches, including estimation of the levels of production, consumption and exports of grains in 2009/2010, working out the schemes for organizing of the mechanism of grain "interchange". The working group plans to provide the second meeting in March in Kazakhstan, the third - in May in Ukraine.

Grain exporters receive the possibility to conduct their export operations through the company, using its grain terminals in the Black and Azov Seas ports, transport logistics of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, marked A.Evniev. Art the same time, the company would export grains at previously concluded contracts and other directions, added he.

Thus, exporters will receive the additional impulse, get new opportunities and advantages for grain exports afte the cooperation with the International grain company, resumed A.Evniev. 

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