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18 July 2024



Belarus zeroed import duties for grain seeds and vegetable oils

Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus, signed the Decree #233 dd. May 5, 2009, "About the temporally imposition of import customs duties at the rate of zero (0) percentage for utility, raw materials and soft goods imported at the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus", declared the press-cutting service of the head of the state.

According to the document, Belarus took the decision to impose the rates of import customs duties for seeds of wheat, meslin, maize and sugar-beet at the level of zero percentage for 9-month term in order to improve the financial position of agricultural organizations of the country. The zero import duties also works for imports of raw materials for food industry, including cacao oil and substitutes, vegetable oils and fats and fractions, forage ingredients and etc.

The decree takes effect from the date of official promulgation.

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