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24 July 2024



Azarov's optimistic statements on crop in Ukraine will hit world prices - expert

Statements by the Prime Minister of Ukraine on a sufficiently high crop in Ukraine may cause a fall in the world prices for agricultural products.

This opinion was expressed in a commentary with an UKRINFORM correspondent by Executive Director of the International Bleyzer Foundation Oleg Ustenko.

"After the announcement by the Prime Minister of our expectations of a rather good harvest and, consequently, large enough export possibilities, we can expect a fall in the prices for agricultural products, primarily at the Chicago Stock Exchange," Ustenko said.

According to the expert, the Prime Minister's agricultural forecasts made at the Cabinet meeting seem to be quite bright for the domestic producers and consumers: if the yield is high, then inflation will remain quite low; in addition, this will serve as an impetus for further development of the food industry.

"But at the same time, the Premier's straightness may, after all, aggravate the situation for our products in international markets," the economist says.

As reported, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov stated at the Cabinet meeting July 4 that Ukraine, as experts predict, will harvest over 45 million tons of grain.

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