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19 July 2024



Artemsol state enterprise ready to present quality compliance documents

Artemsol state enterprise ready to present quality compliance documents

State enterprise Artemsol is ready to present documents confirming the quality of its products if requested by its trade partners.

"We're ready to take part in any examinations, present all the documents confirming the quality of our products," Acting Director General of Artemsol Dmytro Fomenko told Interfax-Ukraine.

He said that he knows why Ukrainian-made products were removed from the shelves of retail chains in Leningrad region, Russia.

"This was ordered by someone. Our enterprise has worked for 130 years, these are tricks of rivals," he said.

Russian mass media published information that Rospotrebnadzor recommended retail chains to remove products originating from salt producers in Ukraine and Belarus.

Artemsol is the largest salt (NaCl) producer in Central and Eastern Europe.



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