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21 July 2024



Agriculture ministry, NASU developing food security bill

 The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) are developing a new bill on law food security.

This has been said by Serhiy Kvasha, First Deputy Director of the National Scientific Center Institute of Agrarian Economics, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Academician at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at a television show Economic Circle on Kyiv Regional State Television and Radio Company - Central Channel.

Now, a new bill is being developed, which has an approximate title On the basic principles of food security, and now the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food together with our Academy contributes to developing the bill, the expert noted.

According to him, the instrument provides for seven key indicators that will determine the level of food security - both quantitative and pricing. The indicators provide for an opportunity to assess the level of production to the level of consumption and income, Kvasha said.


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