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21 July 2024



Agricultural producers start sowing winter crops

 Sowing of winter crops under the yield of 2014 started in Ukraine, in particular, winter rape.

The press service of the Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry informs about this.

Agricultural producers have already started sowing of winter crops under the yield of 2014. In particular, winter rape has already been sown on the area of 300,000 ha. And this is 32% of the plan. In addition, agricultural producers complete preparation of the soil for sowing of other winter crops, Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk noted.

According to him, 32% of rape was sown against the plan. In total, 87% of the planned acreage was prepared for sowing.

The Minister added that in total this year, winter crops will be sown on over 8 million ha. In addition, agricultural producers purchased almost 520,000 tons of mineral fertilizers, i.e. over 73% of the planned volume.

In addition, according to the Minister, agricultural producers continue renewal of the park of agricultural machinery, necessary for the sowing campaign.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
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