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16 July 2024



Agricultural company Harmelia became a member of UCAB

Agricultural company Harmelia (Kharkiv region) became a member of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB).

"Despite of difficult investment climate and instability, observed the last few years, agricultural company Harmelia is an example of successful investments in the agricultural sector of Ukraine by foreign investment company SigmaBleyzer. It is nice to see how today to revive land, exhausted by years of unsustainable cultivation of the soil, the company has invested significant resources in business development, modern technology, high-quality seeds, agricultural chemistry, fertilizers, uses mini-till (minimum tillage), developing infrastructure and improving standards of life in regions", - Alex Lissitsa, President of UCAB says.

Harmelia - is an agricultural  project of the International investment company SigmaBleyzer. Today Harmelia is ranked among some of the largest agricultural firms in Ukraine in terms of cultivated acreage. The total cultivated land area exceeds 70,000 hectares in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions.

Harmelia’s long-term strategy is centered around implementing state-of-the-art agricultural technology and reducing costs, with a focus on growing the most appropriate crops and improving their yields.

Harmelia follows a traditional crop rotation and puts money into first-class fertilizers, seeds, and agricultural chemicals.

Harmelia invests in modern agricultural machinery and uses minimum tillage methods to minimize erosion and preserve soil moisture and nutrients.

SigmaBleyzer, an international investment company, founded in 1994. SigmaBleyzer manages a group of private equity funds operating in Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Kazakhstan. In particular, SigmaBleyzer manages 3 Ukrainian Growth Fund (UGF I, UGF II, UGF III) and Southeast European Fund IV.

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