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23 July 2024



Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry and sugar producers working over expansion of markets - Prysiazhniuk

The Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry jointly with sugar manufacturers is working over expansion of external markets for selling national sugar. Markets of the African and Asian countries are the most perspective.

Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said about this, UKRINFORM reports citing the Ministry's press service.

“One of main tasks for us in the sugar sector is expansion of sugar supply to the foreign market. Currently, export potential of national sugar makes up about 450,000-500,000 tons. And we started supplies of the first sugar batches. However, we continue working jointly with sugar manufacturers over expansion of markets. According to preliminary estimates, the most perspective buyers of national sugar are African and Asian countries,” the Minister noted.

According to him, for today, in Ukraine, the sugar making season has almost completed at 63 enterprises. In total, in 2012, national agrarian workers sent 17 million tons of beets to sugar refineries, and today enterprises produced 2.2 million tons of sugar. “Those volumes fully provide for the domestic need in sugar, which on average makes up 1.8 million tons. Therefore, Ukrainian consumers are completely provided with domestic sugar,” Prysiazhniuk said.

He noted that boosting of sugar production took place at the expense of an increase in crop capacity of sugar beet. And since a task on provision of the domestic market has been already fulfilled, currently, the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry jointly with sugar producers is working over expansion of external markets to sell sugar.

The Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry approached the Foreign Ministry on intensification of search for new external markets to sell Ukrainian beet sugar.

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