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20 July 2024



Agrarian Fund to sell 150,000 MT sugar to reduce prices

Agrarian Fund to sell 150,000 MT sugar to reduce prices

Within May Ukrainian Agrarian Fund is going to sell 30,000–35,000 MT sugar on domestic market (in June — 40,000–45,000 MT) in order to stabilize domestic market sugar prices, Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Ihor Shvaika told during joint briefing with the Ukrainian Derzhsilgospinspektsiya Chief, Government Portal says.

As to Svaika, Fund will sell in total 150,000 MT sugar until early Aug. «The total sugar amount we have is 150,000 MT. This is the amount which is to be brought on the domestic market in order to stabilize the sugar prices,» Shvaika admitted. He made it known the decision to start sugar sale from State reserves had been approved by Ukrainian Government previous week. At same time, Minister said Fund is to spend the money received from sugar sale to buy milk powder and butter on domestic market.

«Our task is to watch how this important element affects the market, and then monitor it on a monthly basis. We have to keep the price which is unusual from season to season. The interaction principle is: now we sell off the sugar at price fixed by the Government decision, and then direct the received money for buying of the dairy products,» Shaika said. As to him, Fund interventions on domestic dairy products’ market will support country raw milk purchase prices under condition of several Ukrainian dairy producers having been banned to export their products to RF.


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