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18 July 2024



Ag Ministry presented grain warehouse technical regulations

The Agrarian Policy Ministry of Ukraine has designed a draft resolution providing the grain warehouse technical regulations, including procedures of certifying of grain elevator/storage services. The draft document  is placed on the official web-page of the Ministry.
In particular, this draft sets an exhaustive list of documents needed to obtain  a certificate allowing storage of grain and grain processing products, and its validity term.
According to the draft resolution, the following documents must be available at a grain warehouse: documents about state registration; a conformity certificate for services for storage of grain and grain processing products; a granary (granaries) on the ownership rights, necessary constructions, facilities, equipment and appropriately qualified staff for providing grain storage services; a certified technological laboratory; design, technical and regulatory documentation for production objects, for technology, equipment, instruments, grains and grain processing products, methods of determining their quality, and that for ensuring safety of works; forms of warehouse documents for grain and entry into the state register.
Besides, a grain warehouse can not be recognized bankrupt by the court and no liquidation procedure can be opened against it.
Also, by the first demand of a warehouse customer (i. e. a grain owner) the grain warehouse is obliged to return the grain as it is stipulated by a storage contract and Ukraine’s legislation, even if the grain storage time did expired yet.
The grain warehouse bears responsibility for a shortage or damaging of grain placed for storage.
Grain warehouse shall indemnify the losses caused by poor storage to the amount of the missing grain’s cost and that for damaged grain to the amount of this grain’s value decrease.
In case if, due to damaging, the grain’s quality altered so much that it cannot be used for its initial purpose any more, the bailor has the right to refuse from this grain and to demand the grain warehouse to compensate its cost.
At demand of a grain owner, the grain warehouse is obliged to issue separate warehouse grain documents for any portions of the grain deposited for storage.

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